Bubble Graphics

One of my great fascinations is working with the form of the glass itself, no colours, no effects, just reflections, refractions and shadows. Working with bubble powder, imagery can be created between multiple layers of glass, giving a vibrant three dimensional look. The bubble powder leaves a beautiful coppery Blue tint in the clear glass, but each of the millions of individual bubbles has it’s own kaleidoscope of colour up close.

In the Bubble Graphics work, I use bubble powder with stencils, to produce simple stripped down imagery. The images are placed between the 4 layers of glass giving a deep three dimensional effect and a luxurious, heavy, feel.

These images can be delivered in 3 shape and 2 transparency options:-

  • Plate
  • Bowl
  • Wrapped Bowl
  • Fully Transparent
  • White base layer
6 Dolphins Ring
3 Dolphins